The human brain is truly amazing and it is complex beyond our ability to understand it fully. In addition to its complexity, which can work in our favor, there are also many problems that can take place in the brain as well. One of those issues is hydrocephalus, a treatable condition that causes fluid to build up within the deep cavities in the brain. This can result in a number of issues that need to be controlled because of the pressure that builds up along with the fluid.
Although anyone is capable of developing hydrocephalus in their lifetime, it is not as likely to occur in the middle of your life. Most of the people who suffer from this problem are either infants or older adults. In either case, it can cause some rather serious problems
When hydrocephalus occurs in an infant, it is likely to cause an enlarged head. This is when most people tend to recognize there is a problem and seek medical attention. When this problem occurs in an older individual, including older children, it is likely to cause vision problems, headaches, loss of coordination, incontinence and difficulties with cognitive abilities. These symptoms may affect most people who suffer from hydrocephalus although the symptoms may differ from one person to another.
This problem is commonly referred to as “water on the brain” and it involves a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain’s ventricles. There may be any number of different issues that could lead to this problem but perhaps the most common reason why it occurs is that of an obstruction in the brain that stops the cerebrospinal fluid from draining properly. In turn, the pressure that results from that fluid buildup puts pressure on the surrounding brain tissue.
This is not a very common problem but it does occur frequently enough to mention. For those who are born with this condition, the numbers are 2 out of every 1,000 babies born. Most people have heard of spina bifida or Down’s syndrome but have not heard about hydrocephalus. The fact is, this condition is more common than a tumor and just as common as Down’s syndrome. In fact, more children have brain surgery as a result of hydrocephalus than any other condition.
Rather than being a single condition, there are two different types, communicating and noncommunicating. Obstructive or noncommunicating hydrocephalus takes place when the fluid is blocked from flowing. Communicating hydrocephalus is when the fluid is not draining but it is still flowing to the ventricles. Noncommunicating hydrocephalus is typically treated surgically.
Brain Treatment
If you live in Plano, Mckinney, Allen or the surrounding area, you can call on the neurosurgeon services of Dr. Dickerman. He is well known for being the top choice in his field for brain and spine surgery. A call to his office gets the ball rolling and then you can discuss your issue with him. He can provide the diagnosis and treatment you need.