Cervical Spine Surgery Specialist
Neuro Texas
Neurosurgeons & Spine Surgeons located in Frisco, TX
When chronic neck pain prevents you from working or enjoying a high-quality life, it may be time to consider surgery. At the office of experienced spine surgeon Rob Dickerman, DO, PhD, FACOS, comprehensive cervical spine surgery is available. Dr. Dickerman uses minimally invasive spine surgery to relieve chronic neck pain from osteoarthritis, herniated discs, and other conditions. The team also provides postsurgical rehabilitation, so you can quickly return to a physically active lifestyle. To find out if cervical spine surgery is right for you, call the office in Frisco, Texas, or request a consultation online today.
Cervical Spine Surgery Q&A
What is cervical spine surgery?
Your spine is made up of bony vertebrae, muscles, nerves, and protective discs that sit between the bones and absorb the shock of your movements. Your lumbar spine describes the structures in your lower spine, and the middle part of your spine is known as your thoracic spine. Your upper spine, or neck, is known as the cervical spine.
Cervical spine surgery focuses on repairing or removing damaged bone or tissue that contributes to chronic neck pain, shoulder pain, and arm pain.
Dr. Dickerman can often use minimally invasive surgical techniques to access your cervical spine through small incisions, so you heal more efficiently and get back to work and other activities faster than you might with traditional open surgery.
Why would I need cervical spine surgery?
Many people develop acute neck pain because of poor posture, which strains the muscles that support your cervical spine. There are a variety of underlying diseases and disorders that can affect the health of your cervical spine and cause chronic neck pain.
Not all cervical spine conditions are treatable with conservative therapies like medications and physical therapy. Cervical spine surgery may be a last-resort treatment for treating pain and other symptoms of conditions. These conditions include:
- Scoliosis
- Bone spurs
- Osteoarthritis
- Herniated discs
- Degenerative disc disease
Dr. Dickerman can determine if you’re a candidate for cervical spine surgery when these treatments aren’t relieving your pain or improving your mobility. He and the team offer comprehensive physicals and on-site diagnostic testing to confirm that surgery is right for you.
What’s involved in cervical spine surgery?
As an experienced spine surgeon, Dr. Dickerman personalizes a surgical plan to your specific needs based on the goals for surgery.
Through small incisions, Dr. Dickerman can repair damage to your cervical spine, correct deformities, or remove pieces of your spine or herniated discs. He uses minimally invasive techniques to access your cervical spine from the posterior, making incisions at the back of your neck, or from the anterior (front of the neck).
Following cervical spine surgery, you can expect to remain in the hospital under observation for several days. As your healing progresses, you may begin physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support your cervical spine and restore the range of motion and flexibility you have in your neck.
To find out if you’re a candidate for cervical spine surgery, call the office of Neuro Texas, to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online today.