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360 surgery

The spine is one of the most complex parts of the human body. It is also a part of the body that is constantly exposed to the possibility of harm. There are a wide variety of treatment options available for spinal problems, depending upon the extent of the injury and the location. Some of those options may include nonsurgical treatments, such as medication, spinal injections or physical therapy. There are also times, however, when surgical treatment may be necessary to treat an issue. Some of those surgeries are more serious than others.

Some of the more common types of surgical procedures that are performed for spine problems include fusion and bone grafts. These types of surgeries may be done for anything from a herniated disc to issues with scoliosis. Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to perform surgery on both the front and the back of the spine and to fuse both of those areas. If that is the case, your doctor may recommend a 360° surgery, sometimes referred to as an anterior and posterior lumbar fusion surgery. This is typically done when the individual has a lot of spinal instability or if a fusion surgery was performed and it didn’t set properly.

Since you are fusing both the back and the front of the spine when performing a 360 surgery, there is a lot of stability that is associated with it. A larger surface area is taking advantage of the fusion so both the front on the back spine will experience the benefits.

In most cases, the anterior is the first surgical procedure to be performed. This is the procedure that occurs from the front of the body. It allows for some removal of any of the disc that may be damaged and to help free up space so that any pressure on the nearby nerves is also reduced as well. At that point, the posterior and anterior spinal implants are inserted, which is why it is a much more stable outcome in most cases that a regular fusion surgery.

Although there are many benefits to performing a 360 surgery, there are also some potential problems as well. One of the problems is the incisions that occur in both the back and the abdomen during the same procedure. There may be additional recovery time that is associated with this type of procedure and there could be other problems as well, including the possibility for infection and blood loss. When it is performed properly, however, it is often successful with spinal fusion but it is extensive and carries some risks.

If you have a need for 360 surgery in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, you can contact Dr. Dickerman for assistance. He can provide you with exactly what is necessary to get back on your feet again. Many people from throughout the Dallas Fort Worth area have taken advantage of his services, including many athletes who have spine injuries. He is a neurosurgeon that can care for your spine in the best way possible.

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