Richardson Spine Doctor
When you suffer from different types of back problem in the Dallas area, you can contact Dr. Dickerman as a board-certified and qualified neurologist. He is the Richardson spine doctor than many people turn to when they are having these types of difficulties. Not only can he help you with your spine problem, he can offer options that may help you to overcome the difficulty without the need for surgery. In fact, that is the first choice and one that he has helped many people to use in order to overcome their problems.
One of the spinal issues that many people experience is sciatica. This is a problem with the sciatic nerve that runs through the lower back and down both the lines. Sciatica is the word that is used to describe the symptoms and is not a condition in and of itself. That being said, sciatica is a problem that many people experience and it can be one that is life altering. What are some of the common symptoms of sciatica and what can it do to your health and well-being?
The most common symptom of sciatica is pain. The pain occurs because the sciatic nerve is being pinched but there are other symptoms that are closely associated with this problem as well. They could include numbness, tingling and weakness and those problems occur, not only in the lower back but also down the legs. Radiating pain and other symptoms is a common problem with many types of spine difficulties. It is also a problem with sciatica and if you have it, it’s a good idea to have it checked as soon as possible.
Another common issue that occurs with the spine is a herniated disc. When a disk ruptures, the jellylike material on the inside comes to the outside. This can cause problems if the disk rest against a nerve root or if that nerve root is affected in any way. Not everybody who has a herniated disc is going to experience pain but it is something that could be a painful condition under the right circumstances.
One other common spine condition that may be treated by a Richardson spine doctor is stenosis. A problem with spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal marrows and pressure is put on the spinal cord. Many people experience pain as a result of stenosis but it can also lead to numbness, weakness and tingling. A surgical procedure may be done in order to relieve some of the pressure on the spinal cord. Various forms of exercise may also be considered, as can steroid injections.
Don’t underestimate the benefits of using Dr. Dickerman as your Richardson spine doctor. He is the number one choice of spine surgeons and can help you to overcome your problem by offering both surgical and nonsurgical options. Don’t suffer from spine pain needlessly. Make sure you contact the best spine doctor for the job.